JC Bose Fellow
Vice Chancellor
Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand 835215, India
[On lien from Metallurgical & Materials Engg. Dept., I.I.T. Kharagpur 721302, W.B.]
President, Indian National Academy of Engineering (
Prof. (Dr.) Indranil Manna - Awards & Honours
Awards, Prizes and Distinctions (National / International):
  1. Doctor of Science (Honoris causa) for outstanding contribution to Engineering Science by Kazi Nazrul University, Asansol (W.B.), 2017
  2. GopalTripathy Memorial Lecture Award, Banaras Hindu University (Chemical Engineering), 2015
  3. TWAS Prize for Engineering Sciences, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, 2014
  4. Distinguished Alumnus Award from Bengal Engineering and Science University (formerly, Bengal Engineering College and presently converted to Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, IIEST), Shibpur, Howrah, W.B. India in Feb 2014.
  5. J C Bose Fellowship of Department of Science & Technology, India (2012-2017).
  6. Platinum Jubilee Medal Lecture, 98th Session of the Indian Science Congress (held in Chennai, 2011).
  7. INAE Visvesvarya Chair Professor (2009-2011) - Awarded by the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), New Delhi.
  8. G D Birla Gold Medal, 2008 (Awarded by the Indian Institute of Metals for outstanding contributions in Materials Science and Engineering).
  9. INAE-AICTE Distinguished Industry Professor (2007-2009), awarded by the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) jointly with Tata Steel, Jamshedpur.
  10. Metallurgist of the Year Award, 2002 (Awarded by the Ministry of Steel and Mines, Government of India through the Indian Institute of Metals).
  11. Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, Germany, 2001(Awarded by the AvH Foundation, Germany for independent research).
  12. Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Medal, 2000 (Awarded by the Materials Research Society of India).
  13. Binani Gold Medal, 1999 (Awarded by the Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) to the co-author of the best paper published in the Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals in a calendar year).
  14. Mouat Medal (Calcutta University) - 1999 (Awarded for the successful completion of the PremchandRoychand Studentship, a post-doctoral research scheme of the Calcutta University)
  15. Outstanding Referee Citation and Prize of ActaMaterialia 1999 (Awarded to 10 out of 900 referees for Acta/ScriptaMaterialia journals, Elsevier Science)
  16. Research Grant, GTZ-Germany 1997-1999 (Awarded by the Deutsche GesellschaftfuerZussamenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH).
  17. DAAD Re-Invitation Fellowship, 1995-1996 (Awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service, Bonn, Germany).
  18. Career Award for Young Teachers, 1995 (Awarded by the All India Council of Technical Education, New Delhi).
  19. International Exchange and Scientific Collaboration Fellowship, 1994 (Awarded by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi and Royal Society, London).
  20. INSA Medal for Young Scientist, 1992 (Awarded by the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi).
  21. PremchandRoychand Scholarship (PRS), 1992 (Awarded by the Calcutta University for post-doctoral research).
  22. Young Metallurgist Award, 1991(Awarded by Ministry of Steel and Mines, Government of India through Ind. Inst. of Metals).
  23. DeutscherAkademischerAustauschdienst DAAD Fellowship, 1988-90 (Awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service for postdoctoral research).
  24. RaiBahadur J. N. Ghosh Memorial Scholarship, 1986 (Awarded by the Calcutta University for higher research in overseas).
  25. National Scholarship, 1977 (Awarded by Ministry of Culture, Government of India for Securing 43rd position in Secondary Examination among more than 120000 students in the state of West Bengal).

Awards / Prizes in National/International Conferences:
  1. Best Paper Award at the Annual Technical Meeting of Indian Institute of Metals, 2008 [For the paper: "Nano-intermetallic dispersed amorphous Al-alloy" by D Roy, I Manna]
  2. Best Paper Award for our work on "Nanofluid" presented in:
    1. International Conference on Advanced Materials Design and Development (ICAMMD-06), December 14-17, 2005, Goa, India.
    2. International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT-2006),.March 16-18, 2005, New Delhi, India
    3. National Seminar on Advanced in Nano, Metallic and Ceramic Composite, February 23-24, 2006, Trivandrum, India
  3. Best Paper Award, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Division, 18th Indian Engineering Congress, (held in Lucknow, Dec. 19, 2003) (Awarded by the Institution of Engineers (India) for the best paper in their Journal).
  4. Best Paper Award, 51st Annual Technical Meeting of the I. I. M., 1997 (held at Jamshedpur) (Awarded by the Indian Institute of Metals for the best poster paper - as a co-author).
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